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Org - Organizing Radical Groups:
A Web-Based system for activists to share information and organize for events. This system will be distributed free of charge. It will include a content management system for the public as well as a full featured suite of internet organizing tools for group members. ORG has come out of a desire to see public organizing communication and to utilize the internet to reduce the amount of "re-creating" the wheel that tends to occur in traditional hierarchical organizing where all communication has to go through a select group of individuals. One of our goals is to create a framework that you will have the freedom to use and abuse at will. We will endeavor to create a system that is intuitive yet non-restrictive. One of the key features will be the ability for the public side of a group (outreach, education, and fundraising) to be highly integrated with the inner workings (task management, event planning, and communication). We feel this will bring many groups "out of the cave" and cultivate their member base and exposure with little computer expertise. We are still looking for funding as well as volunteers so any leads on grants, possible affiliates and volunteers (no matter what your computer skill) would be greatly appreciated.


Please review and fill out the following questionere so we can get an idea of what would be the most useful features for the alpha version of ORG loosely scheduled for next spring. If you have questions as to the meaning of certain terms or concepts, please call me, Jacob @ (413)586-5172 or email the ORG list at
Thank you for your help

1. Please mark each entry in order of importance to you

A public home page
Will basically just give out news stories and alerts to the public. May contain Indymedia feed.
A place for users to discuss issues.
If administrators want they will be able to set up listservs for email correspondence.
A section for the posting and downloading of various tools for organizing such as: contact lists, flyers, posters, etc.
Task manger board
This will be the place where people will be able to post needed tasks as well as sign up for tasks. This can be used to track progress as well as handle accountability. Users will be able to comment on the progress of the task. Committees can be put on alert and will be emailed when task data changes.

Subcommittee management system
Here Administrators will be able to create sub-committees to handle things as well as ease communication.
Public news postings
Users will post announcements to sites such as indymedia and with the click of a mouse. Basically, this turns you into a little guerilla AP.
Humor section
For burnt out do-gooders. NECESSARY
Media maker
This will allow users to create posters of various sizes, with various templates as well as joining cards and other media that may need to be downloaded and printed.
Database of users
This will manage all users who are part of the organizing effort as well as those who just want to receive news letters. This is the back bone of communication. People will be able to have easy access to communicating what needs to be communicated to whom. This will facilitate mass mailings as well as selective mass mailings. This will also allow for job matching. (explained later).
Event organizer
Will include many not thought out tasks that can easily be added to the task board such as sound systems, getting speakers, talking to the press, etc. This will basically just add a lot of related tasks (as desired) to the task list. Anybody in the database who's skill set matches the jobs required can be emailed easily (slick huh?).
Fundraising Efforts
This section will be for receiving donations via the web as well as selling merchandise to support your cause.
Budget monitor
An area to keep track of receipts, reimbursements and budget allowances for projects.
Backup Engine
Just in case something happens, we are endeavoring to create a back-up system to download the entire database to your local computer.

Please add to this list or criticize it as necessary. The first version will definitely not contain all these features, but it would be good to see what's available.


Thank you,
Jacob Singh